Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple
Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. My friends went to the mall yesterday
2. Did you enjoy your trip to Prague last year?
3. Joyce hurt her leg when she fell of her bike.
4. Mary drank coffee in the morning because she does not like tea.
5. My cousin did not read the book you lent him.
6. Everybody was happy when they got the beautiful presents they were expecting.
7. Did your father have a red car?
No, he didn't. He had a blue one.
Past simple
Folosim pentru a vorbi despre acțiuni finisate, obiceiuri sau stări din trecut.
Formula pentru afirmativ: verb + ed (+ ied dacă verbul se termină în y)
Exemplu: walk + ed = walked
talk + ed = talked
reply + ed = replied
Formula pentru interogativ: did + pronoun + verb
Did you go to school yesterday?
Did she read the letter we got today?
Formula pentru negativ: pronoun + did not + verb
I didn't manage to do my homework in time.
We didn't go to store to buy groceries this week.
NB! Unele verbe au forme speciale la trecutul simplu: hit = hit, eat = ate, run = ran, etc