Engleza, întrebare adresată de iAndreyRO, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Tense or Past Perfect:

1. I told him that I never, to do) such a thing until then.
2. When he was young, he (to like) to collect stamps.
3. After I (to mix) my colours, I started painting.
4. She told me that she (never, to see) an oyster.
5. The pupils (to understand) it after the teacher (to explain) it to
6. I saw him the moment he (to enter).
7. What (he, to say) when he saw you?
8. I (never, to see him in my life, so of course I couldn't recognize him.
9. After I (to arrive) at the station yesterday, I (to see) some of my the platform friends on.
10. Last night after we (to have) our dinner, we (to go out) for a walk.
11.I (to see) a big ship last week; I (never, to see) one before.
12. After the game (to end), the public left the stadium.
13. The fire (to be put out) before the fireman arrived there.
14. After I (to finish) my home task, I went to the cinema with two of my friends.
15. He (to wait) outside for half an hour before the teacher told him to go home.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de emma8686

1. did

2. liked

3. mixed

4. saw

5. understood,explained


7. said

8. saw

9. arrived,saw

10. had,went

11. saw,saw

12. ended

13.  was put out

14. i finished

15. waited

sper ca te-am ajutat! spor la teme,si multe ganduri pozitive in continuare!

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