Engleza, întrebare adresată de olegsirbu2003, 9 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. (Puneţi verbele între paranteze în forma dreapta).

In spring , the sun ______ (warm) the earth . The weather ______ (get) warmer. The birds _____ (fill) the woods and forests with their songs. In summer , the farmers _____ (cut) the grass and _______ (make) hay. Sometimes it _____ (rain) hard. Then the sun _____ (appear) and everything ______ (shine) arounds us. In autumn, the days ______ (become) shorter. The leaves ________ (turn) yellow and brown and _______ (fall) from the trees. In winter, people ________ (spend) more time indoors. The lakes and rivers ______ (be) fronzen. If often _________ (snow). The ice ______ (cover) the roads.

Mersi cine ma ajuta asta inseamna mult pentru mine. :) :)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de StelaraStina
In spring , the sun warms (warm) the earth . The weather gets (get) warmer. The birds fill (fill) the woods and forests with their songs. In summer , the farmers cut (cut) the grass and make (make) hay. Sometimes it rains (rain) hard. Then the sun appears (appear) and everything shines (shine) around us. In autumn, the days become (become) shorter. The leaves turn (turn) yellow and brown and fall (fall) from the trees. In winter, people spend (spend) more time indoors. The lakes and rivers are (be) frozen. It often snows (snow). The ice covers (cover) the roads. 
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