Engleza, întrebare adresată de Chocolata, 9 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense form. Use Present, Past and Future Progressive.
1. – Who (talk) … to?
– I (talk) … to an old friend.
2. When I entered the house, the phone (ring)…
3. – What (do) … this afternoon?
– We (have) … a party tonight. So, about six
o’clock this evening, my sister and I (help) … our
4. He (not/practise) … the guitar when I came to see
him, he (feed) … the cat.
5. Tomorrow morning we (work) … .
6. We (go) … to the library when we met Joan.
7. At 2 o’clock tomorrow I (fly) … to Constanta.
8. Tom (lie) … in the sun when we came onto the
9. Yesterday at 6 o’clock I (prepare) … dinner.
10. Luke and Martha (play) … tennis tomorrow at 3

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de damnit
1)  Who are you talking to?
I am talking to an old friend.
2)When I entered the house, the phone was ringing.
3.What are you doing this afternoon?
We are having a party tonight. So,about six o'clock this evening, my sister and I will be helping our mother.
4. He wasn't practising....he was feeding
5. Tomorrow morning we will be working
6.We were going to...
7. ...I will be flying to..
8. ..Was lying..
9. ...I was preparing dinner
10. ...will be playing
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