Engleza, întrebare adresată de Cory09, 9 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense .
A: Phil 1)....(think) about moving house .
B: I 2)....(know) he 3)...(not like ) the place he's living in at the moment , does he ?
A: So , how 4) .....(the story/end ) ?
B: In the end , Roger 5)....(join) his family and they 6).....(move) to Africa .
A: We 7)....(have) dinner at Gianni's tonight would you like to come ?
B: Sorry , but I 8) ..... (visit) Sally .
A: I 9)....(not/understand ) this course at all . It 10).....(be) really difficult .
B: Why 11).... (you/not/ask) for help ?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense.



A: Phil (1) is thinking about moving house.

B: I (2) know he (3) doesn't like the place he's living in at the moment, does he?

A: So, how (4) does the story end?

B: In the end, Roger (5) joins his family and they (6) move to Africa.

A: We (7) are having dinner at Gianni's tonight, would you like to come?

B: Sorry, but I (8) am visiting Sally.

A: I (9) don't understand this course at all. It (10) is really difficult .

B: Why (11) don't you ask for help?


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