Engleza, întrebare adresată de paulaelenastan, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1. A. I wish I........ (PLAY)a musical instrument.
B. You should take lessons.
2. A. If only the wind.....(STOP) blowing so hard.
B. Yes, it's very windy today, isn't it?
3. A. I wish John....(COME) with us.
B. So do I. He would have really enjoyed it.
4. A. Paul, I wish you ....(STOP)making so much noise.
B. Sorry, I'll try.
5. A, I wish I....(STUDY) more when I was at school.
B. It doesn't matter now .You've got a good job.
6. A. I wish I...(BE) young again.
B. So do I. We had some good times back then.
7. A, I wish I....(NOT/SPEACK) to Jane like that.
B. Don't worry.I'm sure she'll forgive you.
8. A. If only Bob....(CALL)me.
B. Well, he promised to call today.
9.A. I'm exhausted.I wish I....(DO) some of the housework yesterday.
B. Sorry I wasn't here to help you.
10. A. I wish you.....(MAKE) less noise when you come in.
B. It's not my fault. The door squeaks when you open it.
11. A. Are you going to your school reunion party next week?
B. No.I wish I.....(GO) because I would like to see everyone again.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim

1. played

2. will stop

3. had came

4. stopped

5. studied

6. was

7. didn't speak

8. called

9. did

10. made

11. will go

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