Engleza, întrebare adresată de anastasiacaraiman, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Add a comma where necessary.
1. If the dog (keep) _________ barking the neighbours (complain) ______ . The noise is terrible.
2. The boss (be) ________ angry if you (arrive) ___________ late for work again.
3. Nelly can’t type fast. She wishes she (can type) ________ fast.
4. If you (study_ __________ hard you (pass) ______________ the exams.
5. If I (have) _____________ one millions dollars I (travel) _________ around the world.
6. What a pity my brother is away! If he (be) ____________ here he (help) ___________ us.
7. I wish I (have) ______________a car. If I (have) _____________ a car it (not\be) __________ _____________ difficult to get to work.
8. If Susan (eat) _________ too much she (be) ____ sick.
9. I wish this box (not\be) ________ so heavy. I can’t lift it.
10. I wish it 9be) ______ summer now. If it (be) ___ summer I (lie) ____ on the beach.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de habarnuam11


1. keeps ; complain

2. will be ; arrive

3. could ; type

4. study ; will pass

5. have ; would travel

6. would be ; would help

7. had ; had ; wouldn't be

8. eats ; will be

9. wasn't

10. was ; would be ; would lie

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