Engleza, întrebare adresată de alex14potter3000, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the past
simple or the past continuous.
Dear Rick

I'm writing to you from my hotel in Switzerland
I'm having a lovely time here but you can't imagine
what 1) ... happened... (happen) to me yesterday. I
(be) on the mountain with my friends
and we 3)
..... (have) a lovely time because
the snow 4)
(be) perfect for skiing
Unfortunately the sun 5)
on the snow, so it 6)
(be) difficult to see
Suddenly, 17)
Chit a rock and
(fald over. Luckily 19)
(not/be) seriously hurt-I just 10)
a few bruises. Now I'm trying to be more careful!
I'll see you when I get back.
Best wishes
Kevin(Va rog este super urgent am nevoie pt mâine!!!) ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.



1) happened

2) was

3) were having

4) was

5) was shining

6) was

7) hit

8) fell

9) was't

10) got


Dear Rick,

I'm writing to you from my hotel in Switzerland. I'm having a lovely time here but you can't imagine what 1) happened to me yesterday. I 2) was on the mountain with my friends and we 3) were having a lovely time because the snow 4) was perfect for skiing. Unfortunately the sun 5) was shining on the snow, so it 6) was difficult to see. Suddenly, I 7) hit a rock and I 8) fell over. Luckily I 9) was't seriously hurt - I just 10) got a few bruises. Now I'm trying to be more careful!

I'll see you when I get back.

Best wishes,



Good luck!


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