Engleza, întrebare adresată de Emyblondu95, 9 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect.
1. A: Have (you/see) Mandy?
B: Actually,she......... (leave) 5 minutes ago.
2. A:......... (you/speak) to David yet?
B: Yes, I......... (already/see) him.
3. A: Do you like Thai cuisine?
B:I'm not sure.I....... (never/try) it.
4. A: Where,........(you/go) on holiday this summer?
B: I.......(go) to Cyprus. .........(you/ever/be) there?
5. A: When........ (Albert Einstain/die)?
B: In 1995.
6. A: Do we need to go to the supermarket?
B: No, we don't.I........(already/do) to the shopping for the week.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de NiceShotVi
1. A: Have you seen Mandy?
B: Actually,she left 5 minutes ago.
2. A:Have you spoken to David yet?
B: Yes, I've already seen him.
3. A: Do you like Thai cuisine?
B:I'm not sure.I've never tried it.
4. A: Where did you go on holiday this summer?
B: I went to Cyprus. Have you ever been there?
5. A: When did Albert Einstein die?
B: In 1995.
6. A: Do we need to go to the supermarket?
B: No, we don't.I've already done to the shopping for the week.

Emyblondu95: E bine, sigur?
NiceShotVi: dap
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