Engleza, întrebare adresată de gamak, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the present
continuous. Write in your notebook.
1 A: Where ... (you/go), Sam?
B: I ... (go) to band practice. We ... (get)
better and better.
2 A: Linda ...(not/come) to the concert
B: I know. She’s got a headache and she ...
(lie) down in her bedroom.
3 A: ... (Adam/have) saxophone lessons these
B: Yes, but he ... (not/enjoy) them. He
wants to play the drums instead.
4 A: ... (Daisy and Faith/watch) the play
today, too?
B: Yes, they ... (wait) for us outside the
theatre right now.
5 A: I ... (not/record) a vlog this week –
I haven’t got time!
B: I know! We've got tests at school every day!
6 A: How ... (you/travel) to the stadium
tomorrow night?
B: By train because cars ... (always/cause) too many traffic jams

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lalallalaal23488


1. are you going

2. am going, are getting

3.isn't come

4.is lieing

5.he isn't enjoying

6.Are Daisy and Faith watching

7.are waiting

8. I am not recording

9. are you traveling

10. are always causing

Ești sigur ca asa era cerință?Nu cumva și la present simple?

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