Engleza, întrebare adresată de iasminabunea5, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the present
perfect simple or continuous tense.
We (0) have all seen... (all/see) movies in which the set
is crowded with hundreds of people, but
(ever/wonder) who these people
are and how they got the parts? In fact, many hopeful
Hollywood actors (2)
(be able) to make
a living from working as 'extras' while they wait for
their movie careers to take off.
Eleanor Walton is just one example. She
(3) ....................….... (live) and working in Hollywood for
a year, but so far she (4) ....................... (not manage)
to get any major speaking roles. She
(5) .....
.....(recently/register) with an agent,
and for the last couple of weeks she
(appear) as an extra in a new film
due to be released later in the year. Her agent
(7)............... (promise) to try and find her more
One problem for people like Eleanor is that film
directors (8).....
(begin) to use 'virtual
extras' more and more often when they need to shoot
crowd scenes. 'Virtual extras' are computer-generated
images of people, which can be copied many times
and made to move 'naturally. The increased use of
virtual extras instead of real people (9)
(make) film production much cheaper, but perhaps it
(10) ....................... (also/spoil) Eleanor's dreams of
becoming a star.

Va rog sa ma ajutați , îmi trebue pentru maine urgent

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gabi197650
1)have you ever wondered
2)are able
3)is living
4)didn’t managed
5)is recently registered
10)is also a spoiler to
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