Engleza, întrebare adresată de ram1141, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple, present continuous or past simple.
A: What time 1)
(you/go) to bed
last night?
B: At half past one. I 2) ...
... (stay up
late because there 3)
... (be)
great film on TV.
A: Really? What film?
B: Horror at Park Town. 4)
(you/ watch) it?
A: No, 15) ........
(not/like) horro
films very much.
A: Hi Tom. It 6)
...... (be) Gary. Hov
7) .......
(be) you?
B: Fine. I 8)....
(come) home fifteer
minutes ago and 19)
... (have
lunch at the moment.
A: Lunch? But it 10) ...
...... (be) almos
four o'clock!
B: Well, I 11) .....
(not/take) a break fo
lunch at work today. You see, we always
12) ..... ...sst... (have) a lot of work in August​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de laraandreeaa


  1. did you go
  2. stayed up
  3. was
  4. did you watch
  5. don't like
  6. is
  7. are
  8. came
  9. am having
  10. is
  11. didn't take
  12. have

ram1141: Mulțumesc mult!
laraandreeaa: cu placere!
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