Engleza, întrebare adresată de Damaya, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form:
One day while I (1. sit) in a cafe, a man (2. come) over to my table and I (3. ask) me if he (4. may) (5. sit) down for a few minutes. After (6. speak) for some time, we (7. find) that we once (8. meet) in Europe. He said, 'I (9. arrive) here two weeks ago and I yet (10. not make) up my mind whether or not (11. stay) here.' 'If I (12. be) you,' I said, 'I (13. learn) the language as quickly as I (14. can) and then (15. make) a tour of the country. It (16. be) easier then (17. make) up your mind.'

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sdinamitaa

Salut încă o data! (:

One day while I (1. was sitting) in a cafe, a man (2. came) over to my table and he (3. asked) me if he (4. may) (5. sit) down for a few minutes. After (6. speaking) for some time, we (7. have found) that we once (8. had met) in Europe. He said, 'I (9. arrived) here two weeks ago and I (10. haven't made my mind yet) whether or not (11. stay) here.' 'If I (12. were) you,' I said, 'I (13. would learn) the language as quickly as I (14. could) and then (15. would make) a tour of the country. It (16. is) easier then (17. making) up your mind.'

1 past continuous - 2 past simple ( actiune trecuta in desfasurare intrerupta de o alta actiune trecuta )

12 si 13 conditionala de tip 2

  • Ex: If + were/was + would(+bare infinitive) - folosita pentru actiuni ireale/dorinte din prezent/viitor

sdinamitaa: valeu am uitat sa mai pun față zambareata la final, ce tragedie
Damaya: doamne esti asa o draguta, mersii ^-^ am zambit eu in locul tau
sdinamitaa: I'm a grown ass man bro
Damaya: scuze, username-ul e destul de neutru *-*
sdinamitaa: Ce fel de fata isi pune numele dinamita in username \~=~/
Damaya: aia care au gusturi
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