Engleza, întrebare adresată de Damaya, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in parentheses into a correct form. Pay attention to word order. Cine se pricepe?


Utilizator anonim: Salut! Nu ma lasă sa răspund, voiam sa dau răspuns! Iartă-mă ⚘
Damaya: ai putea sa raspunzi la cealalta postare daca vrei
Utilizator anonim: Am văzut ca la toate ai primit răspuns, din păcate nu mai pot răspunde, însă sper ca răspunsurile primite sa fie bune! ⚘
Damaya: hei

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de denymaria2019


1.was still sleeping

2.got up

3.had shaken him






9.got dressed


11.hadn't done so

12.would have been late

13.happened; had begun

Răspuns de sdinamitaa

Salut, Salut (:

My brother (1.sleep) was still sleeping when I (2.get) got up this morning.

After I (3. shake) had shaken him three or four times he finally opened (4. open) his eyes and (5. ask) asked what time it (6.) was. (7. see) Seeing that there (8. be) was very little time left, he (9.get) (dress) got dressed as quickly as he (10. can) could. If he (11. not do) hadn't done so, he certainly (12. be) would have been late for school. This has only happened (13.happen) once since the new school year (14.begin) began.

  • 11 si 12 conditionala de tip III: face referire la o actiune imaginara trecuta

Se formeaza cu IF+ past perfect + ( would+have+ forma a III-a a verbului )                      

Ex: If he had woken up earlier, he wouldn't have missed the bus.


Damaya: thank you !
sdinamitaa: vezi ca am apasat pe "s" in loc de "d" la 13, este had happened
sdinamitaa: cp, Im a beast
sdinamitaa: multumesc de coroana
Damaya: nici o problema :3
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