Engleza, întrebare adresată de ecaterina44, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in the present perfect or simple past.
My friends (visit) Visited
the Grand Canyon National Park last year. I (be / never)
Grand Canyon National Park But I (see)
lots of pictures. And yesterday I (buy)
book about the Grand Canyon I (read)
30 pages already. It's really interesting.
Charles (be)
to Edinburgh three times. Some years ago he (study)
Last month he (visit)
some friends in Edinburgh. They are my friends, too
them for ages
I see not)
you for a long time. Where (you / be)
Limba engle
back from Canada What you do
in Canada?
neture tour. (you see)
many wild animals there? Yes, I did. I watch
wolves (you / ever / spend)
c holiday in Canada? Yes, I already
Canada twice

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mymeioody


visited, was never seen, saw, buyed, readed, has been studying, studied, he visited, (Nu inteleg ce ai scris acolo), Do you see, (din nou nu inteleg nimic)


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