Engleza, întrebare adresată de gusoaianeculai, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past)
1.Last year I ....... (spend) my holidayin England.
2.It ....... (be) great.
3.I ....... (travel) around by car with two friends and we ....... (visit) lots of interesting places.
4.In the evening we usually ......... (go) to a pub.
5.One night we ........ (learn) some England dances.
6.We .......... (be) very lucky with the weather.
7.It ......... (not/rain) a lot.
8.But we .......... (see) some beautiful rainbows.
9.Where .......... (spend/you) your last holiday.
Va rog din suflet cineva sa ma ajute (cineva bun la engleza).Multumesc!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mariaioana56776
1.was spending
2.It was
3.I was travlling
we were visiting
4.were going
5.were learning
7.it wasn’t raining
8.we were seeing
9.did you spend

mariaioana56776: da
gusoaianeculai: Undeva scrie ,,trimite cerere de prietenie,, bine
mariaioana56776: nu cred ca imi merge ca nu imi apare
gusoaianeculai: T-ia scris ceva de genu ,,invitatia a fost trimisa,,?
mariaioana56776: pai nu pot sa trimit ca nu imi apare aia cu cerere
gusoaianeculai: Aaa..Deci de acum o sa vorbim aici.
gusoaianeculai: In ce clasa esti???Cati ani ai???
mariaioana56776: sunt a7asi fac 14
gusoaianeculai: Eu ti-amspus..Am 12 ani,in clasa a 6-a
gusoaianeculai: Esti mai mare decat mine
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