Engleza, întrebare adresată de maricicaelena25, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs into the past simple, then match 7 the questions to the answers. 1 What time > did you wake up (you/wake up) this morning? (he/finish) university? 2 When 3 Why (they/go) to London? 4 What (you/have) for breakfast? 5 When (Tom/start) playing the piano? 6 Who ...... (Emily/invite) to the barbecue? At 7 o'clock. d a Shelly and Robe Cereal. b e Two years ago. When he was 6. с f For business.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de boiunutrei


2. When did he finish university

3. Why did they went to London

4. What did you had for breakfast

5. When did Tom started playing the piano

6. Who did Emily intited to the dardecue

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