Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the FIRST CONDITIONAL.
1. Dad..............(be) angry if we.............(get) home late.
2. If you..........(come) , we..........(have) a good time.
3. I.............(punish) you if you.................(not / stop) fighting.
4. If...........(break) anything, you..............(have to) pay for it.
5. If I...........(miss) the bus, I..........(take) a taxi.
6. You friend..............(forgive) you if you...........(apologize).
7. If you............(not / leave) now, we................(call) the police.
8. If we...............(go) shopping we.............(spend) a lot of money.
9. If they...............(not / invite) us we..............(not / go).
10. If you...............(be / not) careful you.............(break) the vase.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ImPuLsZ

1)Dad will be angry if we get home late.
2)If you come, we will have a good time.
3)I will punish you if you don't stop fighting.
4)If you break anything, you'll have to pay for it.
5)If I miss the bus, I will take a taxi.
6)Your friend will forgive you if you apologize.
7)If you don't leave, we'll call the police.
8)If we go shopping, we'll spend a lot of money.
9)If they don't invite us, we won't go.
10)If you're not careful, you'll break the vase.
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