Engleza, întrebare adresată de daniela234, 9 ani în urmă

Put the words in the brackets in the right form of past tense simple.
1. I (play) outside a few minutes ago.
2. She (sleep) till 10 am.
3. The teacher (teach) us something interesting.
4. My father (cut) the grass a few weeks ago.
5. My sister (lose) her pencil.
6. The plane (take off) ealier.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Panda
1. Played 2. Slept 3. Taught 4. Cut 5. Lost 6. Took off *E simplu sa le pui la past simple, le pui terminatia ed daca sunt regulate, si daca nu sunt, atunci te uiti in coloana a doua a verbelor neregulate.

daniela234: Mersi mult! :*
Răspuns de luluminu
Played, sleeped, teached, cut, losed, took off
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