Engleza, întrebare adresată de dariagurau314, 7 ani în urmă

Put the words in the correct order: much/ homework/ do/have/ how/you? sandwiches/ how/ did/ many/she/ eat? ricer how/ does/ he/ much/ want? #how/ need/ space/they/do/ much? 5 people/ many/ are/ expecting/ you/ how? 6. England/ bring/ you/ much/ did/ how/ luggage/ to? jobs/ many/ did/ you/how/ have? ish/ eat/ much/ do/ you/ how? How much homework do you have? get/ country/ your/ snow/ much/ how/ do/ you/ in? ds/ how/ are/ many/ there? ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de efektm


How much homework do you have?

How many sandwiches did she eat?

How much rice does he want?

How much space do they need?

How many people are expecting you?

How much luggage did you bring to England?

How many jobs did you have?

How much fish do you eat?

How much snow do you get in your country?

How many ..... are there?


Câte teme ai?

Câte sandvișuri a mâncat ea?

Cât orez vrea el?

De cât spațiu au nevoie?

Câți oameni te așteaptă?

Câte bagaje ai adus în Anglia?

Câte locuri de muncă ai avut?

Cât pește mănânci?

Câtă zăpadă aveți în țara voastră?

Cât de multe ......... sunt?  - nu înțeleg enunțul

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