Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

put the words in the right order:
a. you / cake / a / chocolate / making / are?
b.isn't / book / Blip Blop / a / reading
c. a / snowman / the / making / children / are
d.is / cat / in / playing / garden / the?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de thequeenofcats


a. are you making a chocolate cake?

b. BlipBlop isn't reading a book

c. the children are making a snowman

d.the cat is playing in the garden?

Răspuns de daramusmiriam2


A. You are making a chocolate cake

B. Blip Blop isn't reading a book

C. Children are making a snowman.

D. Is în The garden the cât plâng?

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thequeenofcats: NU SCRIE ASA E GRESIT
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