Engleza, întrebare adresată de podolakdiana83, 9 ani în urmă

Put the words in the right order to make sentences
1 must't, you during, chew, the

2 younger, neighbours's, my,than, daugher,is,me

3 in,have,always, I evening, the, a , shower

4 exited, when, I,I, feel, holiday, go, on

5 flat, in , town, is , this, John's?

6 buy,the grocer's, what, at,you,can?

7 go,Alice,slide,garden,the,in has,a?

8 girl,class,who,the,is,in pettiest, your>?

9 early, morning Lisa, upwakes every

10 walking, Denis, the along, is street

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Alekz
1. You mustn't chew during the (exam / class)
2. My neightbours' daughter is younger than me.
3. I always have to take a shower in the evening.
4. I feel excited when I go on holiday.
5. In this town is John's flat?
6. What can you buy at the grocer's?
7. Alice has a slide in the garden?
8. Who is the prettiest girl in your class?
9. Lisa wakes up every morning.
10. Denis is walking along the street.
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