Engleza, întrebare adresată de gaza16, 9 ani în urmă

Puteti sa imi traduceti in engleza urmatoarele propozitii??Va rog!

1 Salata aceea avea un gust oribil.Ce ai pus in ea?
2. Noi desenam foarte bine cand eram copii.
3.Copiii dormeau in timp ce parintii serveau o cafea pe terasa.
4.Ea hranea padarile din curte in timp ce el punea masa in casa.
5.Gradina era frumoasa,era o reala placere sa ma plimb in ea.
6.Am planificat sa ma duc in Scotia saptamana trecuta dar a trebuit sa-mi schimb planurile.
7.Ea si-a gasit o slujba noua dar nu-i placea ce face.
8.Dar nu canta intr-un bar cu doua saptamani inainte?
9.Ba da,dar acel bar s-a inchis.Am fost surpinsa sa aud ca ea si-a pierdut slujba.Eu stiu ca ea canta foarte bine.
10.In timp ce ei se indreptau spre spital au fort loviti de o alta masina.
11.Si ce s-a intamplat cu doamna care urma sa dea nastere unui copil.
12.A ajuns pana la urma la spital,dar mai tarziu.
13.Ea a scris invitatiile de nunta in timp ce el a facut cumparaturile pentru nunta.

adrianacatalina: Dai coronita? :D
Robytza1: One salad that tasted oribil.Ce you put in it?
2. We draw very well when we were kids.
3.Copiii sleeping while parents have a coffee on the terrace.
4.Ea fed Padar yard while he set the table in the house.
5.Gradina was beautiful, it was a real pleasure to walk in it.
6.Am planned to go to Scotland last week but had to change my plans.
7.Ea has found a new job but did not like what he does.
8.Dar not sing in a bar two weeks before?
9.Ba yes, but that bar has been inchis.Am reacts with surprise t
Robytza1: 3. Children
Robytza1: 4. She
adrianacatalina: Robytza1 ai tradus pe Google Translate?
adrianacatalina: Este gresit..
gaza16: Dau coronita

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de adrianacatalina
That salad tasted horrible.What you put in it? We drew very well when we were child. The childrens slept while the parens have a coffe on the terrace. She fed the birds in the yard,while he put the table in the house. The garden was beautiful,it was a real pleasure to walk in she. I plan to went in Scotland as week ago,but I must to change my plans. She found a new job but she doesn't like what she do. But ,she doesn't sing at a bar 2 weeks ago? Yes,but that bar was closed.

adrianacatalina: Ii scriu la comentarii continuarea.. :\ logic..
adrianacatalina: 9) I was surprised to hear,she miss her job.I know she sing very well
adrianacatalina: 10)While they went to a hospital,they were ram of another car.
adrianacatalina: 11)And,what happened with the lady must to give a birth.
adrianacatalina: 12)In the end,she arrived to the hospital,but later.
adrianacatalina: 13)She wrote the invitations to the wedding,while he go to shopping.
adrianacatalina: For the wedding
adrianacatalina: Coronita? :v
gaza16: sigur ca da:)
adrianacatalina: :D
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