Engleza, întrebare adresată de tonydinu267, 8 ani în urmă

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From May to September there were Highland Games in towns and villages across Scotland. Men, women and children traveled from all over the world to watch.

Nobody knew the exact origin of the Games. It might be a race held in Scorland by King Malcom III in the 11th Century, to find a fast runner to take the king's message. Some historians said that the games were an invention of the Victorians in the 19th Century.

Competitors at the Games did a lot different events. There were special ''heavy'' athletic sports. One famous event was the caber toss. A caber was a heavy wooden pole. Contestants threw the caber. The winners were very strong! Other events were the stone put - contestants threw a big stone - and the hammer throw - they threw a metal ball on a long stick. Another popular event was Tug o'war. In this event, rival teams pulled a rope in oposite dirrections!

Local Scotish athletes wore traditional tartan kilts similar to skirts. Tartan was a colorful material. Traditional Tartan showed which family Scottish people were from.

Back in the day, people from all around the world competed in the events. So why didn't you come too and expirienced the magic of the Highland Games?

PS:nu stiu daca trebuia de schimbat si verbele din ultimul alineat, dar in orice caz am facut-o ^^

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