Engleza, întrebare adresată de danisalami, 7 ani în urmă

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Răspuns de mirelmirea


Charles Dickens is a famous english writer. He was born in Portsmouth, England on 7th February, 1812. He goes to school at the age of nine but he didn't finish his education. In 1824, he worked at a shoe polish factory and goes back to school a year later. He taked a job as a legal clerck in 1827 and enjoyed success as a reporter two years later.

Dickens marryed Catherine Hogarth in 1836. He wrote "The Pickwick Papers" that same year. This book do him famous. He wrote many popular books and was considered to be England's finest writer.

He divorced gis wife in 1858 and died on 9th June, 1870.

They buryed him in Westminter Abbey.

Cred ca este Past Simple eu asa am scris sper sa te fi ajutat!

danisalami: mulțumesc!
mirelmirea: nu ai pentru ce.
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