Engleza, întrebare adresată de barbalataroxana6, 8 ani în urmă

puteți sa ma ajutați?​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de scafanatalia2000


1. start school

2. learn to drive

3. leave home

4. take a year out

5. get a job

6. was born

Răspuns de catalinapostolache24




● Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in the box.

was born    get a job   learn to drive        

start school  take a year out  leave home



  1. In my country, children start school when they're five.
  2. First, you must learn to drive, and then you can buy a car.
  3. My brother would like to live in a flat with his friends so he's going to leave home next year.
  4. Luke wants to get a job and travel around the world before he goes  to university.
  5. Amy wants to take a year out in a computer design company.
  6. I was born in Scotland but we moved to France when I was three.


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