Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexaalexutzza, 10 ani în urmă

Puteti sa ma ajutati cu timpurile verbelor din engleza?sa imi spuneti cum se formeaza si cand le folosim.

Mandarinaa: Ce clasa esti?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
Pentru verbul in engleza timpurile difera fundamental fata de cele ale limbii romane.
De aceea nu trebuie cautate in permanenta echivalente exacte intre cele doua limbi.
Asa cum ne asteptam exista 3 timpuri de desfasurare a unei actiuni: prezent(present), trecut(past) si viitor(future).
Verbul la aceste timpuri il voi numi deocamdata simplu. Mai jos se observa ca la randul lor aceste timpuri ale verbului in engleza (tenses) pot fi: propriu-zise sau propriu-zis perfecte.
Dar si timpurile propriu-zise si propriu-zis perfecte pot fi propriu-zise sau continui.     
Present Tense I work You work HPresent Continuous I am working You are working He is working She is working We are working You are working They are working Present Perfect I have worked You have worked He has worked She has worked We have worked You have worked They have worked Present Perfect Continuous I have been working You have been working He has been working She has been working We have been working You have been working They have been working Past Tense I worked You worked He worked She worked We worked You worked They worked Past Continuous I was working You were working He was working She was working We were working You were working They were working Past Perfect I had worked You had worked He had worked She had worked We had worked You had worked They had worked Past Perfect Continuous I had been working You had been working He had been working She had been working We had been working You had been working They had been working Future Tense I will work You will work He will work She will work We will work You will work They will work Future Continuous I will be working You will be working He will be working She will be working We will be working You will be working They will be working Future Perfect I will have worked You will have worked He will have worked She will have worked We will have worked You will have worked They will have worked Future Perfect Continuous I will have been working You will have been working He will have been working She will have been working We will have been working You will have been working They will have been workinge works She works We work You work They work 

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