Engleza, întrebare adresată de IoanaBya, 10 ani în urmă

puteti sa ma ajutati cu tradusul la fragmentul:
"Despite the fact that explorers and great travellers tend to be hard-headed and practical, many of them sensed a ghostly companion on their travels. Marco Polo was one of the first to describe this. During the 13th century, he crossed the Lop Nor desert on the way to China, and told the following spooky tale:"When a man is riding by night through this desert and something happens to make him stop and lose touch with his companions...then he hears spirits talking in such a way that they seem to be his companions. Sometimes, indeed, they call him by name..."Other explorers have also written about this feeling. Despite the failure of Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic journey- his ship broke up in the ice -the written account of it, South, has become famous. T.S. Elliot was inspired by it when he wrote The Waste Land.Shackleton wrote:"I know that during that long march of 36 hours over the unnamed mountains and glaciers it often seemed to me that we were four, not three."Explorer Steve Martin and his two team mates even made "the 4th man" an official member of the party when they were crossing Greenland! Even though there were only three men on the expedition, they felt a fourth presence who always walked to the left of the party. They called him Fletch and he even got into the recent books. "It was a bit of a joke, but having a fourth member along meant you could always blame something on Fletch!" Martin says.Despite feeling his presence constantly, Martin never actually saw Fletch.It is unlikely that so many serious explorers were lying. Were their minds affected by the difficult conditions experienced during their travels, or could there be another , more mysterious explanation?" este urgent!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
In ciuda faptului ca exploratorii si marii calatori sunt oameni lucizi si realisti, multi dintre ei au simtit o prezenta imateriala in timpul calatoriilor lor. Marco Polo a fost primul care a descris acest lucru. In sec. XIII  el a traversat desertul Lop Nor in drum spre China si a povestit urmatoarele: “Cand un om calatoreste noaptea calare prin acest desert si se intampla ceva, care il opreste si il indeparteaza de tovarasii lui, se intampla sa auda spirite discutand in asa fel incat acestea par tovarasii lui. Uneori chiar il striga pe nume”. Alti exploratori au scris si ei despre acest sentiment. In ciuda esecului calatoriei antarctice a lui Ernest Shackleton – nava lui s-a sfaramat in gheturi – povestea scrisa a calatoriei a devenit faimoasa. T.S. Eliot s-a inspirat din poveste si a scris “Tara pierduta”. Shackleton nota: “Stiu ca in timpul acelui mars de 36 de ore peste munti si ghetari fara nume, de multe ori mi se parea ca eram patru, nu trei oameni”. Exploratorul Steve Martin si cei doi coechipieri chiar l-au facut pe “cel de-al patrulea om” un membru oficial al grupului pe cand traversau Groenlanda! Chiar daca expeditia era formata doar din trei oameni, ei l-au simtit pe al patrulea, care mergea pe partea stanga a grupului. L-au numit Fletch si el chiar a aparut in in cartile ulterioare. “Era ca un fel de gluma, dar avand un al patrulea membru cu noi, puteam sa dam vina mereu pe Fletch!” a spus Martin. Desi ii simtea prezenta, Martin nu l-a vazut niciodata pe Fletch. Nu se poate ca atatia exploratori sa fi mintit. Erau mintile lor afectate de conditiile dure ale calatoriilor lor, sau ar putea exista o alta explicatie, mai misterioasa?

IoanaBya: ms.
Geta1955: Cu drag
IoanaBya: ms. traducerea ta mi-a adus un 10 la engleza azi. :))
Geta1955: Wow! Bravo. Ca sa fie treaba clara, pune mana si invata cuvintele.....
IoanaBya: bn
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