Engleza, întrebare adresată de meroli, 7 ani în urmă

Question 3 Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this sentence: When I heard the sound, I slowly turned around. Write your story.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sorinamm


When I heard the sound, I slowly turned around. I was in the park, enjoying the warm sunshine when I heard a noise that caught my attention. It was a bird chirping in a nearby tree. As I looked up, I saw a small sparrow perched on a branch.

I stood there for a moment, watching the bird as it flitted about, singing its cheerful tune. It was a simple thing, but it filled me with a sense of peace and contentment.

As I continued my walk, I noticed other sounds around me - the rustling of leaves in the wind, the distant laughter of children playing, and the gentle murmur of a nearby stream.

All of these sounds were like a symphony, a beautiful melody that filled my heart with joy. And I realized in that moment that sometimes it's the small things in life that bring us the greatest happiness.

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