Raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari din text ( in engleză raspunsurile , raspunsurile se gasesc in text ) : Ajutati-mă va rog !! 1. Wath did Lucy decide to do save all her mother`s data ? 2.At first , why couldn`t she t do this ? 3. How did Tom help ? 4.How bad is the flood now ? 5. Why can`t Tom and Lucy leave the house ? 6. Do you think Tom and Lucy will try to get away , or will they spend all nignt in the Wilsons` house ? ( De aici incepe testu The flood ) Lucy has stayed behind in the flooded house to save her mother`s computer data . Hiw do you think she will manage ti do this ? Lucy has stayed behhind in the flooded house to save her mother`s computer data . How do you think she will manage to do this . ? Lucy had gone straight to her mother`s computer . I”ll try to copy everyting onto a diskette, she thought . Then is won`t matter so much if the computer`s ruined . She pressed the switch to turn the computer on . Nothing happened . Oh no ! she thought . Dad has switched off the electricity and I don`t know where to turn it on ! Suddenly , she heard a splashing sound . Tom was bringing his boat up to the door . Hello , he said shyly . I saw yoy in the house when I was getting into the van . Why didn`t you go with the others ? I`m trying to make Mum`s computer woej m said Lucy . All her customers detalis , the accounts , the address lists everything`s on it . If i don`f manage to save all the data she `II lose her whole business . But don`t know hot to turn the electricity back on . I do , said Tom , Tge switch in your house is in the same place as it is in ours . A few minutes later , the computer was woeking . You`re a genius ! Tim , said Lucy . Now , let`s get started . Lucy woeked as quickly as she could but is was not easy to find her wat around her mother`a computer . Tom watched anxiously . He could feel the warer rising up his legs . There , saud Lucy at last . I „ve done it . You`re the genius , Lucy said Tom . That was brilliant . But I couldn`t have done it without you , said Lucy . Can you row us to the school now ? Our parents must be terribly worrued about us . Tom looked out of tje window . It was nearly dark . Every garden , road and path had disappeard under the rising water . I don`t think I can , he said . I`m worried we`ll get lost . Everything looks so different .I think we`ll have to wait here till morning .
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1)She copied everything into a diskette
2)Because her daa switched off the electricity
3)Tom turn up the electricity
4)The flood is worse , Lucy can feel the water rising up his legs
5)Because everything was under the rising water
6)I think they will wait in the house
2)Because her daa switched off the electricity
3)Tom turn up the electricity
4)The flood is worse , Lucy can feel the water rising up his legs
5)Because everything was under the rising water
6)I think they will wait in the house
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