Engleza, întrebare adresată de ioneioonela, 10 ani în urmă

Raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari din text ( in engleză raspunsurile ,
raspunsurile se gasesc in text ) : Ajutati-mă va rog !! 1. Wath did Lucy decide to do save all her mother`s data ? 2.At first , why couldn`t she t do this ? 3. How did Tom help ? 4.How bad is the flood now ? 5. Why can`t Tom and Lucy leave the house ? 6. Do you think Tom and Lucy will try to get away , or will they spend all nignt in the Wilsons` house ? ( De aici incepe testu The flood ) Lucy has stayed behind in the flooded house to save her mother`s computer data . Hiw do you think she will manage ti do this ? Lucy has stayed behhind in the flooded house to save her mother`s computer data . How do you think she will manage to do this . ? Lucy had gone straight to her mother`s computer . I”ll try to copy everyting onto a diskette, she thought . Then is won`t matter so much if the computer`s ruined . She pressed the switch to turn the computer on . Nothing happened . Oh no ! she thought . Dad has switched off the electricity and I don`t know where to turn it on ! Suddenly , she heard a splashing sound . Tom was bringing his boat up to the door . Hello , he said shyly . I saw yoy in the house when I was getting into the van . Why didn`t you go with the others ? I`m trying to make Mum`s computer woej m said Lucy . All her customers detalis , the accounts , the address lists everything`s on it . If i don`f manage to save all the data she `II lose her whole business . But don`t know hot to turn the electricity back on . I do , said Tom , Tge switch in your house is in the same place as it is in ours . A few minutes later , the computer was woeking . You`re a genius ! Tim , said Lucy . Now , let`s get started . Lucy woeked as quickly as she could but is was not easy to find her wat around her mother`a computer . Tom watched anxiously . He could feel the warer rising up his legs . There , saud Lucy at last . I „ve done it . You`re the genius , Lucy said Tom . That was brilliant . But I couldn`t have done it without you , said Lucy . Can you row us to the school now ? Our parents must be terribly worrued about us . Tom looked out of tje window . It was nearly dark . Every garden , road and path had disappeard under the rising water . I don`t think I can , he said . I`m worried we`ll get lost . Everything looks so different .I think we`ll have to wait here till morning .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Simina123
1)She copied everything into a diskette
2)Because her daa switched off the electricity

3)Tom turn up the electricity
4)The flood is worse , Lucy can  feel the water rising up his legs
5)Because everything was under the rising water
6)I think they will wait in the house
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