Engleza, întrebare adresată de marikika2000, 9 ani în urmă

Raspundeti la intrebari dupa modelul dat :Is Ann wearing a new dress?
Raspums scurt:Yes,she is
Are you doing someting this evening?
Raspuns lung:Yes,I am doing my homeorks.
Intrebarile care vreau sa imi rasundeti:
15)What are you waiting for ?
16) What are you cutting ?
17)Is the fireman jumping out of the window ?
18)Is the black cat crossing the road?
19)Are they playing cards?
20)Why are you walking so fast?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
15. I'm waiting for the bus.
16. I'm cutting the bread.
17. No, he's not jumping out of the window.
18. Yes, the black cat is crossing the road.
19. Yes, they are.
20. I'm walking so fast because I'm late for dinner.

marikika2000: Multumesc multumesc foarte foarte mult
Geta1955: cu drag! Succes la scoala!
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