Răspundeți la întrebări , va rog !

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Salut din nou (:
1. I think art is important to society and it should never be vanished or stopped being promoted. In my opinion art is the way feelings are passed.. through a song, through a dance or through a canvas. It is a unique feeling.
2. During the online classes I was often asked to give my opinion on different topics. Most of the times I couldn't answer because of my fright to talk when many listen to me. But other times I gave my answers that were so different from the others' opinions that sometimes started diverting from the topic and debating some other.
3. I agree with this measure. Banned smoking in public places is a matter of respect and should be applied over all the public and intensely circulated places.
Banned smoking in public places is not something new, the first measurement that forbade the use of tobacco was in Mexico in 1575, at the urging of the Roman Catholic Church.
The former, not everyone smokes, more than that, not everyone likes the smell of cigarettes. It is a matter of respect to smoke in special places designated to smokers. Smoke can make the others smell bad, or simply make the feel uncomfortable.
The latter, seen as a restrictive measure towards smokers, it can maybe affect the smokers positively by making them to smoke less or even stop them from smoking.
Also, second-hand smoking is believed to be as bad as smoking a cigarette, because a non-smoker can inhale the smoke of a cigarette and there would be no difference between a smoker and a non-smoker.
In conclusion, bans of smoking in public places are a good measure and they should be implemented more and more.