Read and complete The e-mail

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Read and complete the e-mail
Citiți și completați e-mail-ul
Hi, Jason, how are you?
I am fine. Today it's cold and snowy. I usually go to school at 7:30 every day, but today I am staying at home. I usually do my homework in the afternoon, but today I am playing computer games. My brother usually goes to the park, but today he is watching cartoons. What are you doing today?
Verbul la timpul Present Simple exprimă o acțiune desfășurată în mod obișnuit, care intră în rutina de zi cu zi:
I read books every day.
Verbul la timpul Present Continuous exprimă o acțiune derulat într-un anumit moment, de aceea îl putem diferenția prin indicii de timp precum now, today, at the moment:
I usually read books, but today I am travelling to the mountains.