Engleza, întrebare adresată de puiudaria0081659, 8 ani în urmă

Read and complete the sentences with and or but. 1 I wanted to go skiing a) ....but.... I didn't have any skis b) ....and.... mountain climbing 2 I can play tennis a) b) my brother is better than me volleyball 3 The show was interesting a) ..... b) .... it was very long I liked it. 4 I've got her phone number a) ..... b) ..... ... her email address ... I don't want to call her. ) a) ... I can't ride it. b) .... ......... rollerblades 5 I've got a bike​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sgheaprotily123


I wanted to go skiing.

a) but i didn't have any skis.

b) and mountain climbing.

2l can play tennis but My brother is better than me.

b) and volleyball.

I like it.

3 The show was interesting but it was very long

4 I've got her phone number and her email addres.

But i don't want to call her.

5 I've got a bike

a) But i can't ride it.

b) And rollerblades.

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