Engleza, întrebare adresată de DGMihaela, 9 ani în urmă

Read part two. Does your family reuse plastic bags. If you do, where do you keep them.
Part two:
We can help save the planet by reusing things.
Plastic bag: Don't get new plastic bag every time you go shopping. Keep old plastic bag and take some with you when you go shopping.
Idea: Make a plastic bag sausage to keep your plastic bags in

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
All the members of my family reuse not only the plastic bags, but all the plastic items.
When my mother sends me to the market to buy vegetables, fruit, cheese, eggs, or any other things, she always gives me 3-4 plastic bags to put in them everything I buy. When we go shopping to the supermarket we always have several bags with us.
I've noticed that mom always have one or two big nice plastic bags in her handbag.
We keeps all the plastic bags in a bigger one and this one hangs in a cabinet in the kitchen. When we need a plastic bag to go shopping we just take one or two out from that big one. 

Related to other plastic items, when we buy chicken, it's in a rectangle plastic box and after mom takes out the meet, she washes thoroughly the box, dries it and she keeps it in the fridge with cheese or various types of salad in it.
My father takes the plastic bottles and after he cleans them, he keeps wine or scotch in them.

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