Read the article and complete the : names of climbers,ages,nationality,occupation,trainer,muontain attemped,country (urgent!!!)
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Lesson: “Climbing is our life” (Urcuşul este viaţa noastră)
Ex. 14, pct. a > Read the article and complete the chart:
Names of climbers:
(1) Annabelle Jones (2) Claire Hippert
(1) 17-years old (2) 17-years old
(1) English (2) English
(1) schoolgirl (2) schoolgirl
(1) Turbo Thomas (2) Turbo Thomas
Mountain attempted:
(1) Matterhorn (2) Matterhorn
(1) Switzerland (2) Switzerland
Ex. 14, pct. b > Answer the questions:
1. Why did the girls start mountain climbing?
The two girls started mountain climbing because they were inspired by a well-known disabled climber, Norman Croucher, who had given a talk at the girls’ school. In spite of the fact that he had lost his legs in a train accident, he successfully climbed some of the world s highest mountains on his artificial legs.
2. Where and how did they train?
Annabelle Jones and Claire Hippert trained very hard in the Swiss Alps, with Turbo Thomas, a well-known mountaineer.
3. Why was the training difficult?
The training was difficult because the weather was a problem, it was freezing cold.
4. Did they climb the Matterhorn?
No, they only started to climb but they couldn’t get to the top of the Matterhorn because it rained every day and it was impossible to climb very far.
5. Why are they going to return to Zermatt next summer?
They are going to return to Zermatt next summer because their first attempt pushed up their ambition and because climbing has become their passion in life.