Engleza, întrebare adresată de Exploit200, 8 ani în urmă

Read the dialogue again and answere the questions.
1.What do YOU need when Cycling At night?
2.What must you check before setting off?
3.Do you have to use cycle lanes?
4.Where mustn’t Logan put His feet?
5.What advice does Sasha give Logan?


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de biancaadam14


1.You need front and red rear lights when cycling at night.

2.You must check the saddle height, the brakes and the tyre pressure.

3.No,you don't, but they are recommended as they are safer.

4.He mustn't put his feet on the handlebars.

5.He adivses him to take the test seriously.

Exploit200: Mersi mult!zi făina!:)
Răspuns de efektm


1.What do YOU need when Cycling At night?

1. When cycling at night, I need to have front and red rear lights.

2.What must you check before setting off?

2. Before setting of, I must check the saddle height, the brakes and the tyre pressure.

3. Do you have to use cycle lanes?

3. I don't have to use a cycle lanes, but they are highly recommended as they are safer.

4. Where mustn’t Logan put His feet?

4. Logan mustn't put his feet on the handlebars.

5. What advice does Sasha give Logan?

5. Sasha advised Logan to take the test seriously.


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