Engleza, întrebare adresată de ana1256, 8 ani în urmă

Read the dialogue and fill in the missing words, then listen and check.Listen again and follow the text, then read out the dialogues. W : Good evening, sir. Table for two ? M : Yes, please. W : This way , please. L : Thank you. W :1) ..... you like to look at the menu ?........ W: May I take your order, please ? M : Yes.To start with I 2) .....the tomato soup. L: Tomato soup for me, too, please. W : Certainly.And for the main course ? M : I' d like the grilled fish. L: And the roast chichen for me, please .W : I' m sorry, madam. There' s no more roast chicken tonight. L: Oh.3) I have a pepper steak, then? L : Just.5)....... water, please.W: Very well.Would you like to order your desset, niw? M: Have you got7).....strawberries?W: I' m sorry, we haven't.Would yiu like something else instead? L: Juzt some ice ' cream, please. ..... L: How is your fish? M: Delicious.8)....about the steak ? L: A bit tough, but the sauce is nice. ....W: Is everythinh all right? L: Yes, thank you. M: 9) ....we have the bill, please? W: Of course, sir.One moment.....

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MainescuAndrei
1.Would 2. Would like 3. Can 5. Some 7. Any  8. How 9. Could
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