Engleza, întrebare adresată de amaliaamalia20072007, 8 ani în urmă

Read the Phrasal Verbs box, then
complete the sentences with the correct
particles. Write in your notebook.
1. Sarah always comes ... great ideas for
day trips.
2. Away from the crowds, you come
lovely little shops.
3. The cost of the museum tickets came ... £38.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nekoyoonmin7


1.Sarah always comes up with great ideas for day trips.

2.Away from the crowds,you came to lovely little shops.

3.The cost of the museum tickets came across £38.

- sper ca te-am ajutat<3

cojocaruiulia56: da, mulțumesc... am cautat exercițiul pe aplicație pt ca imi era lene sa il fac.. asa stiu engleza, merg si la cursuri suplimentare de 1 an..
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