Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Read the poem . Circle the verbs and write their infinitives on the line .
The animals and seas .
The open space and trees ,
Oh , yes ! They're here to stay
If everyone agrees ...
To ...
Recycle and reuse -
Is's up to us to choose .
We must take care of Earth !
Let's sing and spread the news .

ilinca2004: to stay

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ilinca2004
to stay
to agree
to recycle
to reuse
to choose
to take care
to sing
to spread
*to must

Geta1955: "to must" nu exista. Verbele modale (sau "defective") nu au infinitiv lung, nu sunt urmate de infinitiv lung, nu primesc desinenta "s" la pers III sg. present simplu, formeaza interogativ si negativ ca verbele auxiliare, au forme specifice doar pentru simple present si simple past; pentru celelalte timpuri si moduri se folosesc inlocuitori.
Răspuns de Geta1955
The animals and seas.
The open space and trees,
Oh, yes ! They're here to stay - to be; to stay
If everyone agrees ... - to agree
To ...
Recycle and reuse - to recycle; to reuse
It's up to us to choose . - to be; to chose
We must take care of Earth ! - must; to take care
Let's sing and spread the news
- to let; to sing; to spread
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