Engleza, întrebare adresată de eminonis, 10 ani în urmă

Read the rubric and underline the key words.Then answer the questions that follow.
A local environmental magazine has invited its readers to offer their suggestions about how to problem.Write your article suggesting ways to stop wasting our most valuable resource.
1.Who is going to read your article ?
2.What style should you use?Why?
3.In which part of the article should you include your suggestions?
4.Should you refer to the results and/or consequences of your suggestions ? If so, where?
5.What writing techniques can you use to make your article more interesting to the reader?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bettyionela
Environment - The most valuable resource - gold
Who will read our article? Romanian citizens.
We should use information about gold and help us to impress citizens.
Suggestions should be made on the middle of the article.
Yes I will consult with friends and parents to have more ideas ..
I will write first information then interviews made through the city ..

bettyionela: On contact with water, they are transported to streams and rivers and from there into the sea. Reducing pollution is extremely important, not only for the conservation of drinking water, but also for the protection of animals living in rivers, lakes and seas. Although in the last 30 years the EU have taken measures to reduce pollution, more needs to be done and we too can contribute to this effort
eminonis: Trebuie 5 paragrafe!
eminonis: Mai ai?
bettyionela: So in this article I wanted to emphasize the protection of waters.
eminonis: Astept.
bettyionela: atat .. nu stiu ce sa mai scriu .. dar tu mai poti scrie ceva pe acolo.. scuze dar nu stiu ce sa mai scriu
eminonis: E destul ,mersi mult.
bettyionela: dar mai poti scrie asta inainte de concluzie
bettyionela: Oceans and seas cover 71% of the globe and include 90% of all living organisms on the planet. Europe's marine waters cover 3 million km2, ie the same area as the mainland. Marine ecosystems helps us in many ways: they have a defining role in climate and weather events and absorb the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere due to human activities. The seas and oceans are the major source of food, a pillar of economic prosperity through fishing and tourism, and invaluable to our health and welf
eminonis: Multumesc mult!
Răspuns de Geta1955
1. My article will be read by all people interested in environmental issues.
2. I should write in simple, unshophisticated and direct words, short sentences so that my article to touch the heart and mind of the reader.
3. After presenting the issues, I would offer suggestions. I would put them just before presenting briefly the results of my suggestions.
4.  Sure, just after my suggestions.
5. I would put passion in what I write so that my words to touch the heart of the reader and to elicit emotions.

nechitamagdale: Famous last words,doamna Geta.. cum se traduce fraza asta?
eminonis: Imi trebuia un articol alcatuit pe baza acestor raspunsuri!
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