Engleza, întrebare adresată de florentina1986, 8 ani în urmă

Read the text and answer the questions ( 1-5) in your notebook .urgent ex 2 cu lectia aia de su. trebuie sa raspund la intrebari si nu stiu. ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de teodorargau


1. It has a large shell that can be yellow orange or brown.It has two large front flippers a small head and two smaller flippers at the back and a short tail.

2. They lay their eggs in the sand on beaches.

3. Sometimes people and vehicles destroy the nests.Other times the baby turtles cannot find theit way to the sea.

4. The danger they face in the ocean is pollution.

5. We can help them by joining an organisation that protects the loggerhead turtle;

Donate to a charity that protects their nests;

Clean un beaches.

teodorargau: Cu placere!
teodorargau: si cand te lasa te rog sa imi dai si mie coroana
florentina1986: sigur ca da .cu cea mai mare placere
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