Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Read the text and answer the questions. Layla's and Olivia's bikes are *in front of* the garage, *beside* the house. They are now walking *towards* the house. They are holding something *behind* their backs. Oh! The're *two* bouquets of flowers. Their mother is standing *at* the front door smiling. It's Mother's Day.
1. Where are Layla's and Olivia's bikes? In front of the garage.
2. Where's the garage? ...
3. Where are they walking? ...
4. Where are they holding the bouquets of flowers? ...
5. Where's their mother standing? ... ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de maria4588


1. In front of the garage.

2. Besides the house.

3. Towards the house.

4. Behind their backs.

5. At the front door.

Alte întrebări interesante