Engleza, întrebare adresată de Bia11111111111111111, 9 ani în urmă

Read the text and guess the meaning of these words and phrases. Check your answers with your teacher or a dictionary: to crawl, narrow ledge, to fear the worst, to repay. Answer the questions: 1) Why was the dog a problem? 2)What did Leif see when he walked into the bedroom? 3) How did the dog rescue the girl? 4) Who had the 'lucky escape'? Va roooog!!! Dau coroana!!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Maruca585459
1) The dog was a problem because he was growing too big and he was a danger to the Stevensons”s daughter. 2) Leif noticed that the window was opened . He saw that Mariette was crowling near the narrow ledge outside and Stig was following her along the ledge . 3) The dog rescued the girl by taking the little girl”s trousers in his teeth and walking slowly backwards along the ledge while carring the child . 4)Mariette had a lucky escape.

Maruca585459: la cuvinte vrei sens tot in engleza sau traducerea lor in romana ?
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