Engleza, întrebare adresată de vioricagrecu510, 7 ani în urmă

Read the text and say what communication rules people follow. Communication is very important in people's lives. People socialize to make friends and do business, learn new things and share experience. It is impossible to imagine Who are the people you communicate with? How do you one's life without communicating. Think about yourselves. start talking to them? Do you follow certain rules? The answer many people usually give is that they don't follow any rules. But is it really so? Think about the way you talk to your parents, your friends, your teachers. Think about the way you talk to a stranger to ask for directions or to a guest you haven't met before. Do you talk in the same way in all these situations? commun Actually, the way people talk depends on the situation. They usually talk in a more informal way to their friends, and in a more formal way to people they are not very close to. However, all of them start their communication with a greeting. So this is the first rule they follow. They can ask people how they are and what has happened in their lives. They are also polite, and this is another rule they follow. If they are not polite, people will not want to talk to them. Their communication will not be successful. Another rule they follow is to speak clearly and to the point. They want people to understand their message. They don't want to confuse them. There is also the rule of brevity. Shakespeare said that brevity is the soul of wit. It means that people who are brief are intelligent. If they want to be successful in their communication, they will be brief. Finally, people should not say what they believe is false. We should also remember that communication is cooperation. When people talk they actually cooperate with one another. They exchange messages, ideas, thoughts, and energy. Now do you still think that communication is an easy process? rezumatul va rogggg mult​

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The text explains the importance of communication in people's lives and how they follow certain rules depending on the situation. Communication starts with a greeting and people are polite to each other. They speak clearly, to the point, and are brief to be successful in their communication. People should also not say what they believe is false. Communication is seen as cooperation between people where they exchange messages, ideas, thoughts, and energy.


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