Engleza, întrebare adresată de jorikkrutoilavik, 8 ani în urmă

Read Val's Email and translate the words in bold. Dear all, It was nice to get your Email. School is fine. I'm doing well in all my subjects. I have a lot of friends here. They are from different countries, but they all speak English. My best friend is from San Diego and he sometimes invites me to his place. Last month they invited me to celebrate Christmas with them. It was a very warm family party. We had turkey, mashed potatoes, vegetables and Christmas pudding for dinner. We went to see a football game in the afternoon. I'm sending some pictures in the attachment. Hugs and kisses, Val
traducerea vărooooooooog dau coroana​

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Dragii mei,

A fost dragut din partea voastra ca mi-ati trimit un email.Ma descurc bine cu scoala.Stau bine la toate materiile.Am o multime de prieteni aici.Acestia sunt din fiferite tari ,dar cu totii vorbesc engleza.Cel mai bun prieten este din San Diego si cateodata ma invita pe la el.Luna trecuta el si familia sa m-au invitat sa petrec Craciunul cu ei.A fost o petrecere  in familie ,cu o atmosfera calda.Am servit la cina curcan ,pireu de cartofi ,legume si traditionala budinca de Craciun  . De dupa-masa am fost sa vedem un meci de fotbal.Va trimit cateva fotografii in atasament.

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