Reading & Writing
Part 7
Look at the three pictures. Write about this story. Write 20 or more

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns: On a beautiful day, me and my uncle Jery, went on the sea. While driving the boat I saw some dolphins, one of them had something on his head, so I ask Uncle Jery if we could go see them up close. And I did a good thing to ask, because one of them had a bag on his head.. . So my uncle removed the bag from the dolphin head. It was amazing to see the dolphin happy, I named the dolphin Klou!
I hope I helped you!
Look at the three pictures. Write about this story. Write 20 or more words.
On a hot summer day, my father and I set off on a water trip. As a means of transportation, I used a boat. On our way, we met some aquatic speakers who were in trouble. They were submerged in the garbage of the careless. I helped them and then I continued the trip.
Într-o zi călduroasă de vară, eu împreună cu tata am pornit Într-o călătorie pe apa.Ca mijloc de transport,am folosit o barcă.
Într-o zi călduroasă de vară, eu împreună cu tata am pornit Într-o călătorie pe apa.Ca mijloc de transport,am folosit o barcă. In drumul nostru,am întâlnit niște necuvântătoare acvatice,care aveau probleme.Erau scufundate in gunoaiele nepasatorilor.
Într-o zi călduroasă de vară, eu împreună cu tata am pornit Într-o călătorie pe apa.Ca mijloc de transport,am folosit o barcă. In drumul nostru,am întâlnit niște necuvântătoare acvatice,care aveau probleme.Erau scufundate in gunoaiele nepasatorilor.Eu i-am ajutat iar apoi am continuat excursia.