Engleza, întrebare adresată de adelina4773, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspuns de popovicievelina




Childhood years: 1875–1894 change

Aleister Crowley was born in Leamington Spa , Warwickshire , England , between 11:00 pm and midnight, on October 12, 1875.

His father was an engineer, but he never practiced. When Aleister was born, he had already retired, owning shares in a brewery. He later became a preacher, traveling through England and producing pamphlets. His mother, Emily Bertha Bishop, came from a family rooted in Devon and Somerset . Both his parents were part of the Plymouth Brotherhood, but of its exclusive branch.

Aleister grew up in a "sterile" environment, isolated and protected from the world. The children he was allowed to play with were members of the exclusive fraternity. On the agenda, however, were Bible study and the lessons he received in private.

On February 29, 1880, his mother gave birth to a baby girl: Grace Mary Elizabeth, who passed away after only five hours. "Alick" considered this incident to be only a small inconvenience to the conduct of a normal day (reported to the third person in his diary at the time). 7 years later, on March 5, his father died of tongue cancer, his funeral being the only one Alick attended during his lifetime. At this point, Alick, becoming aware of his new role in the family, accepts his individuality and begins to write a new diary: "Confessions" - this time in the first person.

After her father's death, religious teachings lost their appeal, and her mother's attempts to maintain her faith became an accelerator of Aleister's skepticism — which led her to call him the "Beast" (from the Book of Revelation ). His dissatisfaction had to do with Christian dogma , which he labeled what he considered most important in life to be " sins ."

Cambridge University: 1895–1897 change

In 1895 he attended Trinity College, Cambridge , after studying at the private schools of Malvern College , Eastbourne College and Tonbridge College . Initially he intended to deepen his knowledge in the field of moral sciences ( philosophy ), but, with the approval of his personal tutor, he turned to English literature (which at that time was not yet part of the curriculum offered). He was happy with his three years at Cambridge, which was also possible due to the considerable legacy left by his father.

During this time he broke ties with the Anglican Church , even if not officially, but more on a personal level:

“The Anglican Church [...] seemed a narrow tyranny, as detestable as that of the Plymouth Brotherhood; less logical and much more hypocritical. When I realized that going to church was like a reflex for most people, I immediately retaliated. I was reprimanded by the vicar for not going to work, which certainly would not have happened, because it would have meant getting up very early. I apologized, arguing that I was raised in the Brotherhood. The vicar asked me to go and see him from time to time to discuss the matter, and I had the audacity to write to him that 'The seed planted by my father, watered with my mother's tears, would prove too resistant for to be uprooted even by a man of such eloquence and erudition. ' The Confessions of Aleister Crowley ”

In December 1896, following an event he described in cryptic terms , Crowley decided to follow the path of occultism and mysticism .



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