Cel mai bun răspuns îi dau COROANA
La 5. Pe prietenul meu îl cheamă Radu.
De făcut tot în engleză.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Fa-ti tu singurel cu mana ta posterul ca eu iti fac compunerea frate.
I remember when i first met my friend, Radu. We were in kindergarden and the moment i became friends with him transformed into my best memoir i've had at kindergarden. So, Radu was friend with my enemy. One day, Radu decided he didn't want to be friends with him anymore and slapped him. He cried a lot and the teacher saw him. The teacher asked all the kids who wants to be friends with Radu. I was the only one who raised a hand.
My first day at school was pretty bad. Radu didn't show up for some reason and it was raining and an extremely bad weather. We were literally obligated to stay in the rain and support the cold weather.
I remember that in the first holiday i had with my parents was in England. Yeah, beautyful and amazing country. I visited the British Museum and the Big Bang also. After visiting my aunt, (Who is in England, London), we went to a restaurant, where, unfortunely, a waiter dropped a coffee on my dad's head by accident. I was almost 6 years so i don't remember too many things.
Hm, my teacher is good. We do a lot of fun things together. She really is comporting with us like a mother. Well, i can't imagine how she takes care of so many of us. I can't even take care of one kid.
Radu is my best friend forevor. Why? He is a good guy, he is being kind to me and never laughed or judged someone. He likes everyone, but don't make him mad. We know each other since kindergarden.
My first Christmas i remember was really fun. My parents obligated me to start the fast back in that days. I remember crying because i wanted to eat chocolate, but my mom gave me instead an apple, saying ,,This is an apple made out of chocolate. It gives powers to see Santa in your dreams,,. And i ate it and was really happy. I got many presents. I got a car toy, a spiderman toy and many other toys and chocolate/candy.
When i turned 8 my aunt from England sent me a teddy bear that was a giant. I used to sleep on him. I still have it and today's days i hug him when i am crying myself to sleep.